Essential ingredients to optimizing your performance at work

There are a few key things that we’ve found to help you to optimize your performance at work. By knowing what these essentials are and implementing them into your routine, you will be able to stay focused and driven throughout the working week.

Knowing what is expected of you from key stakeholders – get it from their mouths

Knowing what is expected is incredibly important when starting a project or creating a plan. Whether you’re planning for your company or working towards a personal objective, knowing the right expectations early on will help you stay on track.

There might be multiple stakeholders involved and it can be difficult to track down what everyone wants. The best way to manage this is by asking each stakeholder directly what they expect from you. Failing to do so at the beginning could lead to disappointment later on.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

When you ask questions, you show that you care about what others think and that you value their opinions. You demonstrate that you are willing to listen and consider other points of view. By asking questions, you also demonstrate your willingness to learn and grow. Stakeholders may offer helpful advice and insights into how to solve problems or complete tasks.

Be adaptable

Adaptability is the ability to adapt to ideas. You may not always agree with what someone else has to say, but if you can accept that other people will think differently from you, then you’ll be able to get along with them. People who are adaptable are more than willing to listen to others’ viewpoints and ideas. They realize that everyone has different opinions and that it’s okay to disagree. Being adaptable also means being able to change your plans when necessary. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to try something else.

After you’ve gathered all the information and know what is expected of you, it’s time to start mapping out how you will get there. This is where creating a timeline or roadmap comes in handy. By having a clear plan of action, you are less likely to get sidetracked and more likely to achieve your goals.

Analyze the key challenges or obstacles to achieving your goals

No matter how well you plan, there will always be challenges or obstacles that stand in your way. Recognizing these early on will help you anticipate any potential problems and find solutions before they happen.

For example, if one of your goals is to increase sales by 20% this quarter, a key challenge could be finding new customers. In this case, your solution might be to invest in marketing or create a new sales strategy.

By analyzing the key challenges that stand in your way, you can develop solutions and avoid any potential roadblocks.

Know what gives you energy and what sucks it away and do more of the former

In order to optimize your performance, it’s important to know what gives you energy and what sucks it away. This can be different for everyone, so it’s important to take the time to figure out what works for you.

Some people find that working in short bursts gives them the most energy, while others prefer to work for longer periods of time. Some people need complete silence to focus, while others find that background music helps them stay on task.

Experiment with different working styles and environments until you find what works best for you. Once you know what gives you energy, make sure to do more of it and schedule your day accordingly.

Take breaks when you need them

Although it’s important to find what works best for you, it’s also important to be flexible and take breaks when you need them. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed or burned out, take a few minutes to yourself to clear your head. Go for a walk, listen to music, or just step away from your work to come back refreshed.

Schedule time for reflection

In order to learn and improve, it’s important to take some time at the end of each day or week to reflect on your progress. Did you meet your goals? What went well? What could you have done better?

By taking the time to reflect on your performance, you can identify areas of improvement and make sure that you are on track to reach your goals.

Outsource and delegate what is not necessary for you to complete

There is only so much that one person can do in a day, so it’s important to learn how to delegate and outsource. If there are tasks that are not essential for you to complete or that someone else can do just as well, hand them off.

Delegating responsibilities implies assigning someone the duty of completing them. Consider what talents each member of your team has and whether they are capable of performing the task. If not, you must either teach them or find someone else to assist if possible.

Set boundaries

In order for you to be productive, it is important to set boundaries with others. This means knowing when to say “no” and when to delegate tasks. Delegating tasks will also give others a chance to contribute.

It is very important to set boundaries with your time. Let others know when you are available and when you need time to focus on your work. This will free up your time so that you can focus on the most important tasks and optimize your performance.

Build your network at work

Your network is essential, not just for networking events or finding a new job. The people in your network can provide support, advice, and resources when you need them.

A strong network can also help you to advance in your career and reach your goals. By building relationships with the right people, you can gain access to new opportunities and resources.

So make an effort to get to know the people in your company and build relationships with them. Attend company events, join employee resource groups, or just have coffee with a colleague. The connections you make will be invaluable in optimizing your performance at work.

Set up a routine/ritual to embed some consistency into your working week

A routine can help to embed some consistency into your working week and make it easier to stay on track. By having a set schedule, you can make sure that you are taking the time to do the things that are most important to you.

Of course, a routine won’t work for everyone. If you find that you’re struggling to stick to a routine, try something else. But if you find that a routine helps you to stay focused and productive, make sure to stick with it.

These are just a few of the essential ingredients to optimize your performance at work. By implementing these into your daily routine, you will be able to stay focused and driven throughout the working week.

Give them a try and see what works best for you.

What are some of the things that you do to optimize your performance at work? Share your tips in the comments below!

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    Leila Rezaiguia
    Leila Rezaiguia