How Can Executive Coaching Help Leaders Improve Their Communication Skills, Both Verbal And Nonverbal?

How Leaders Can Improve Communication Skills Through Executive Coaching Services

Effective interpersonal communication is essential to being a successful business leader. You can be falling short if your interactions with your team don’t promote trust and respect. That’s where executive coaching can help improve communication across your team, starting with you.

What Is an Executive Coach?

Executive coaches are experts in corporate expansion who assist executives in achieving their objectives, both personal and professional. The individual leader’s development is the main focus of the one-on-one executive coaching method. An executive coach helps leaders obtain clarity and accomplish their objectives by offering them a professional sounding board, support, accountability, and strategic assistance. They assist people with determining their skills, areas of focus, setting goals, and putting techniques into practice that will help them lead effectively and enhance verbal and nonverbal communication.

How Leaders Can Improve Their Communication Skills

1. Accepting Feedback

It’s not uncommon to shy away from criticism. Most people dislike hearing that they are wrong. But, being an assertive communicator requires the ability to accept constructive feedback. Leaders that are unable to take criticism or constructive feedback may help to foster a culture of finger-pointing and distrust. Team members with insightful opinions and sincere criticism may feel disempowered and withhold critical comments.

Even when it is difficult to hear, a professional coach offers genuine, unbiased feedback. One of the foundational components of self-awareness is being receptive to helpful criticism from others. Executive coaching provides a fresh perspective on your current communication style and potential ways to improve your communication skills.

2. Active Listening

Talking is simple, but listening is difficult. It’s simple to concentrate on your reaction rather than your discussion partner’s comments when speaking with others. This is particularly true in the era of non stop notifications from your watch, computer, phone, and messaging apps. Genuine respect and concern for other people’s opinions are necessary for assertive communication. The cornerstone of that respect is actually paying attention to and comprehending what other people are saying. This means giving your undivided attention to the meeting, discussion, or conversation at hand.

You can get feedback on your active listening techniques from an executive coach. They can support you in improving your active listening abilities in addition to the obvious ones, like reducing notifications and interruptions when speaking with others.

3. Taking Responsibility

It makes sense to want to take credit when things go well, but it may be much more difficult to accept blame when something goes wrong. Being completely accountable for your actions and words is a sign of assertive communication. When communication fails, assertive communicators are prepared to accept responsibility for their actions and admit their errors.

A good leadership coach will help you understand and practice leading with “I” statements. Assertive communication requires the use of “I” statements, which are a cornerstone of cognitive behavioral therapy. “I” statements describe what you went through in a circumstance and what you wish had taken place. This is in contrast to “you” statements which focus on the other person instead of yourself.

4. Recognizing Behaviors

Although the words you use are crucial, your body language and vocal inflection can also significantly affect how others see you. People’s reactions to a message can be significantly changed by tone and body language. Your words can take on entirely new meanings depending on where you place the emphasis in a sentence. Other people may feel intimidated, accused, or disregarded when these behaviors are used, especially if someone speaks over them, points their finger, or rolls their eyes.

It can be challenging to identify when you speak with a negative tone or body language. An executive coach can help you identify behaviors that impair your ability to communicate. They can offer specific comments on how your tone and body language may be perceived by others, as well as solutions for making subtle changes that make a big impact and improve communication.

5. Changing Habits

Sticking with healthy habits, like exercise and meditation, is hard. Healthy communication habits are no different. Being an aggressive communicator requires deliberate effort and ongoing self-evaluation. Your communication skills can be improved with the aid of an executive coach, who will also offer continuous assistance and hold you accountable for the new behaviors.

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    Leila Rezaiguia
    Leila Rezaiguia